
Part 1: How Does a Neuron Develop its Neuronal Type Specific Dendritic Morphology?

Part 2: Dendrite Morphology and Function: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Dendrite

Videos in this Talk
  • Part 1: How Does a Neuron Develop its Neuronal Type Specific Dendritic Morphology?
    Part 1: How Does a Neuron Develop its Neuronal Type Specific Dendritic Morphology?
    • Student
    • Researcher
    • Educators of H. School / Intro Undergrad
    • Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
  • Part 2: Dendrite Morphology and Function: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Dendrite
    Part 2: Dendrite Morphology and Function: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Dendrite
    • Researcher
    • Educators of Adv. Undergrad / Grad
Speaker: Yuh-Nung Jan
Total Duration: 1:14:03
Recorded: March 2018