Series Directors: Ron Vale, Nico Stuurman, and Kurt Thorn
This 14 lecture series provides a good overview for the techniques of light microscopy. Leading scientists in light microscopy cover the basics of optics, transmitted light, fluorescence and GFP, digital imaging, and recent advances in super-resolution microscopy. The series is appropriate for undergraduates or anyone who is relatively new to microscopy.
Transmitted Light Microscopy
Collecting and Analyzing Images
Fluorescence Microscopy
Collecting and Analyzing Images
List of Speakers
Daniel Fletcher (UC Berkeley)
Joseph Gall (Carnegie Institution)
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (NIH)
Jeff Lichtman (Harvard)
Timothy Mitchison (Harvard)
Edward Salmon (University of North Carolina)
Nico Stuurman (UCSF)
Roger Tsien (UCDS/HHMI)
Kurt Thorn (UCSF)
Ron Vale (HHMI/UCSF)
Xiaowei Zhuang (HHMI/Harvard)